Is that Your Hair

Is that Your Hair


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Welcome to Mixed Curly Girl Hair Blog.

I’m often asked, and many people wonder “Is that YOUR hair?”  I capitalized YOUR because I’m sure what they are really asking  is

“Were you born with that hair, or is it store bought?”

Whether curly or straight it’s always the hair I was blessed and born with; even though, I don’t think highly of it as most people do.  I’m often told since I was a little girl about what NOT to do with or to my hair.


  • never put a relaxer on my hair
  • Don’t put a flat iron on your hair
  • Never put a perm on my hair
  • don’t cut my hair

I heard about one lady, that told her father that my hair was “BOUGHT HAIR”  LOL

The only time I have purchased hair was when I had Poetic Justice braids (See below) and that was to add more length and for the braids to last longer.

Poetic Justice Braids
Poetic Justice Braids

So, I’ve created this video below to show you that what you see is what you get. It’s all my God given hair. Sometimes I like it and Sometimes I don’t.

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