Just when your appearance seems to be one of the most important attributes of your body— acne begins. Although some teens seem unfazed by acne, others can be deeply affected.
For most teenagers; however, this especially visible skin problem can be upsetting. To me, I tried to block it out of my head. Yes, I saw it there, but I tried to NOT see it there. Does that make sense?
This was a crucial time in my life. On top of high school, drama, life, etc – – here comes acne to ruin my life AGAIN !
It seems like acne was a never ending nightmare for me. I’m sure it’s the same for many girls. I am here to share my story with you.
. My skin didn’t clear up overnight. I tried so many different products. Yes, I tried Proactiv as well. Honestly, it did work for a while, but then it stopped working.
Eventually, my skin got back to normal.
I must admit, I have to stay on top of my skin in order for things to stay good. I’ve changed the way I have been eating. I think the foods you eat make a huge difference in the way your skin turns out.
Click the video below to find out the steps I took to help clear up my skin
If you want to make a difference in your skin then you will need to change some things you are doing. My dermatologist told me to make a diary of the things I ate and drank. That was so hard for me to do as a teenager.
He told me there were apps that I could download to help me keep a food diary, but it was hard for me to push myself to be able to do that.
However, hind sight is 20/20. I’m saying it again….pay attention to everything you are putting in your body and on your body. It’s truly a lifestyle change.
Facial Items in Video
- Panoxyl
- Aztec Indian Healing Clay Mask
- Dr. Written Prescription – Retin-A
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